Imposter Game

How to Play


Everyone gets the same word except the imposters. Imposters don't get any word (Mode 1) or get a different word (Mode 2).


Everyone takes a turn to describe the word. Everyone must provide only ONE description about the word/object at a time.


Be descriptive but be vague. Be descriptive enough to show that you know the word, but vague enough to not give away the word to the imposter(s).


Imposter tries to learn the word. An imposter's job is to take clues from other's descriptions to learn the word.


Vote to find the imposter. After everyone had a chance to describe the word, everyone votes to remove the imposter(s).


Not sure who to vote out? Everyone can take turn to describe the word again.


Declare the winner. Imposter wins if a non-imposter is removed.

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